Swadeshi Ayurved Mango Sharbat
Swadeshi Ayurved Mango Sharbat lowers cholesterol levels and helps to maintain blood pressure. It is made by pressing or blending out the juice from the soft, orange pulp of the mango to deliver significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, iron, various carotenoids, and potent organic acids in every glass of juice. Due to the potency and strong flavor of the juice, it is often combined with other juices for an even more powerful fruit juice blend. Elevated levels of vitamin C do more than boosting the immune system; it can also work to lower low-density lipoprotein levels, which is the “bad” form of cholesterol.
Key Benefits
Refreshing drink always use during journey & picnic, quick energizer.
Key Ingredients
Mix one part of the syrup with four parts of water or as directed by the physician.