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How Ayurvedic Products are useful for hair loss and hair regrowth

How Ayurvedic Products are useful for hair loss and hair regrowth


Do you feel that there are more hairs on the floor or your hand every time you comb your hair than your head? If yes, don't be worried.

Hair loss is a very prevalent issue. It can be distressing and impact your overall health. The average loss of almost a hundred hair strands per day is average. The problem arises with more hair loss or no compensatory hair regrowth.

There are so many chemical-laden products in the market which claim to prevent hair loss. But you should be aware of their chemical nature and try not to use them for hair fall. So, what is the best way for hair care? 

Well, you can rely on Ayurveda to fight against hair loss. The world’s oldest medical system, Ayurveda, offers many healing remedies to control your hair fall. 

As per Ayurveda, the whole domain comprises five elements - fire, water, air, earth, and ether and the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The balance between these elements and dosha ensures overall well-being.

The Vata dosha is related to air that chiefly governs our nervous system, pitta dosha relates to fire and is responsible for metabolism and digestion, and the Kapha is related to water that lubricates your joints, boosts immunity and protects your body’s tissue.

The imbalance of any of these doshas may lead to various ailments. As per experts, hair loss is attributed to the exacerbation of pitta dosha. People with pitta dosha imbalance have an erratic pulse.

It is essential to know your Prakriti dosha to come up with a remedy. 

  • If you have an imbalance in Vata dosha symptoms, your hair is prone to become excessively dry, frizzy, split ends, and brittle. Vata hair is usually dry and brittle.

  • If you have an imbalance in Pitta dosha symptoms, you have more chances of receding hairlines and a thinning texture in your hair. The heat in your scalp leads to color changes. For instance, your hair might turn into a brownish tinge if it is not ordinarily brown. This can cause graying of hair and balding. Normal pitta hair is thin, and color change can develop.

  • If you display an imbalance in Kapha dosha symptoms, you can have oily and sticky hair. This can lead to blocks in your scalp's hair follicles and cause hair fall. Normal Kapha hair is thick.

In every case, you need to detoxify yourself.

What is hair fall?

Hair fall is the shedding of hair from your scalp. Losing 50-100 strands of hair is normal. In this case, there is no scalp visibility or decrease in the volume of your hair.

Hair loss is when your hair follicles lose the ability to regrow due to a particular cause.

Hair fall can be due to stress, illness, surgery, weight loss, or high fever.

Hairfall in men

Hair fall is a significant concern in men. It makes you conscious about your look. The male pattern of hair loss has different causes.

Hair loss can be due to hereditary causes. It occurs gradually and predictably - a receding hairline and bald spots at the crown of the head.

Scalp infections like ringworm infection, alopecia areata, and thyroid problems are some reasons.

Different hairstyles and treatments can also cause your hair to fall out. Many men experience thinning of hair after a stressful event.

Hairfall in women

Hairfall in women occurs in almost 50% of women in their lifetime. Many people think that hair loss affects only men. Women's most common hair loss is female-pattern hair loss (FPHL).

The main reasons for excessive hair fall in women are genetic causes, vitamin deficiency, inadequate diet, pregnancy, hairstyles, and stress.

Symptoms of hair fall.

Hair fall can appear in different ways depending upon the cause. It can be gradual or sudden. 

  • Gradual thinning 

This is the most prevalent type of hair loss, affecting people as they age. This is due to your genes. In men, hair begins to recede, and you can visualize the forehead. Women experience broadening of the part in their hair. Receding hairline also occurs in older women.

  • Circular or patchy bald spots

Some people lose hair in circular or patchy patterns. Usually, there is pain and itching before the hair falls out.

If you can see your scalp that was not present earlier, it can signify excessive hair loss.

  • Loosening of hair 

Physical or emotional trauma can cause your hair to loosen. If handfuls of your hair come out when you are combing or washing your hair, you must be concerned. 

  • Full-body hair loss 

Medical conditions and treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can result in hair loss all over your body. The hair usually grows back in this case.

  • Scaling patches over the scalp

 This is due to ringworm infection. It can also cause broken hair, redness, and swelling.

Possible reasons for your hair fall

There are various reasons for hair fall. These reasons determine whether your hair can grow back or require treatment.

  1. Hereditary hair loss

Both men and women show this type of hair loss. It is male pattern hair loss in men and female pattern hair loss in women.

This type of loss means that you have some inherited genes that cause your hair follicles.

  1.  Age

As people age, they lose some hair because hair growth slows down at this point in life. Hair follicles stop growing hair, and also the thinning of our hair occurs at the same time. Hair starts to lose its color, and in women, the hairline starts to recede.

  1.  Alopecia areata

 It is a disease that develops when the body's immune system attacks hair follicles that cause it. hair fall

  1. Cancer treatment

If you receive radiation or chemotherapy, you may lose all of your hair within weeks as a side effect.

  1. Childbirth and pregnancy

New mothers lose a lot of hair after childbirth, and even in pregnancy, you may notice a lot of hair in your comb or on your pillow.

  1. Illness and stress

You can experience excessive hair loss after a stressful time in your life, like divorce or the death of a close one. You can also experience hair fall while recovering from an illness or surgery.

  1. Haircare

Certain hair care routines like coloring your hair can damage hair over time and lead to hair fall. The hairstyles in which you wear your hair tightly, the pullback can also cause hair traction.

  1. Hormonal imbalance.

Women who suffer from PCOS can experience hair loss. If you stop taking birth control pills, it also causes hormonal imbalance, and thinning of hair can develop.

If you have a problem with your thyroid gland, you can have excessive hair loss.

  1. Scalp infection

Scalp infection can lead to scaly and inflamed areas on your scalp. There may be black dots on your scalp. You may also develop a bald spot. Psoriasis can also lead to hair loss.

  1. Medication

Hair fall can be a potential side effect of medication.

Tips to control hair fall

You can control the troublesome problem of hair fall by following some tips.

  1. Shampoo

You need to understand your scalp type and choose the shampoo accordingly. Also, the need to wash your hair depends on your scalp. for example, if you over wash a dry scalp, it may lead to hair fall, or not washing oily scalp at least two times a week can lead to the same.

You should ensure that your shampoo is not loaded with chemicals like sulfate, paraben, and silicone, making your hair prone to breakage.

  1. Aloevera

Aloe vera is considered an effective remedy for hair loss and promoting hair growth. It also reduces problems like itching and flaking. You can use the pulp of aloe vera on your hair for about 45 minutes and then rinse it with normal water.

  1. Onion juice and Amla

The antibacterial properties of onion help against scalp infections. The sulfur content of onion improves the circulation of your scalp and hair follicle, controlling your hair fall. Apply onion extract once a week. Amla has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties.

  1. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds or methi are considered very effective in stopping hair loss. It repairs your hair follicles and helps in the regrowth of hairs.

  1. Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains protein and essential fats that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

  1. Oiling

Oiling improves that circulation and nourishes the roots of your hair. Make sure to massage your hair once a week. Oils like coconut oil are excellent for your hair. 

Lifestyle changes to prevent hair fall

If you are experiencing hair fall, you need to look closely at your daily lifestyle.

  • Take supplements

Taking supplements like zinc, vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and iron can help heal your body. Hair fall can be due to a deficiency of these minerals and vitamins.

  • Include anti-inflammatory Herbs and spices in your diet.

It is shown that herbs and spices like turmeric, Amla, mint, cumin, ginger in your diet boost your overall health and immunity levels. They help in preventing

 hair fall. 

  • Reduce the toxin exposure

 It is recommended that you ditch the products with paraben and sulfate for healthy hairs. You should try more organic products which contain fenugreek, onion, and Amla.

  • Increase your protein intake

You should include meat, fish, eggs, soybean, nuts, and seafood in your diet. The inadequate intake of specific amino acids can lead to hair fall.

  •  Meditation and exercise

Try to keep yourself de-stressed. You can practice meditation and mindfulness. It is seen that stress-induced hair fall is Irreversible, so make sure you keep yourself composed and calm. You should also practice specific exercises and yoga for your overall health and well-being. 

Food for hair fall 

Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy, thick, Shiny, and robust hair.

Iron in your diet

You should eat food rich in iron, such as spinach. Spinach is a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and proteins. It also contains sebum, a natural conditioner, and provides Omega-3 acid, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It keeps your hair lustrous.


Oats are rich in fiber, Omega-6 fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid, and zinc. It stimulates your hair growth and makes your hair thick and shiny.


Walnuts contain b n b vitamins, proteins, and magnesium, which nourish your scalp and protect you from DNA damage due to sun exposure.


Lentils are a great source of proteins zinc, iron, and biotin. They are loaded with folic acid, which restores the health of RBC that supplies oxygen to your scalp.

Fruits like strawberries and guava

Strawberries have high levels of silica, which is a trace mineral crucial for hair strength and growth. It prevents the breaking of hairs. Guava contains vitamin C.


 It is packed with Vitamin B and Vitamin D that promote your hair follicle.

Sweet potatoes

Beta carotene products help fight against dry hair and stimulate the gland to make an oily fluid called sebum. Fruits like carrots, pumpkins, mangoes, and sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene.


 Hair is composed of Keratin. Eggs help in rebuilding damaged hair.

Check out the range of Herbal Ayurvedic Hair Care Products

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