Baidyanath Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
Baidyanath Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya) is a herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine contains Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak, Abhrak Bhasma, Dahtura/ Thorn apple seeds, Cannabis seeds, and other ingredients.
Key Ingredients in Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
- Krishnabhra (Abhraka) bhasma
- Rasa (Parada) Shuddha
- Gandhaka Shuddha
- Chandra (Karpura)
- Jatikosha (Jatiphala)
- Jatiphala
- Vriddhadaraka (Vriddhadaruka)
- Dhusturaka (Dhattura)
- Trailokya vijaya (Vijaya) -bija (Bhanga)
- Vidari mula
- Narayani ( shatavari)
- Nagabala
- Atibala
- Gokshuraka (Gokshura)
- Nicula bija
- Parna patra (Nagavalli)
Key Benefits of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
It is a broad spectrum medicine.
It is a Rasayan (Rejuvenative tonic;nourishes all dhatu and builds Ojas).
It has anti-pyretic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, antiseptic and stomachic activities.
It cures all types of fever.
It is an excellent medicine to treat cough of any type, asthma, coryza, sinusitis, fever due to cough, pain in lungs, inflammation in lungs, congestion, pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, influenza etc.
It is useful in all twenty types of Prameha.
It has aphrodisiac property and increases libido.
It is beneficial in premature ejaculation, and sperm disorders.
It gives strength to heart.
It cures various diseases of head, skin, and genito-urinary system.
It improves hemoglobin level, gives strength and nutrition, and cures diseases.
It is useful in low libido, spermatorrhoea, impotency, and sexual debility.
Indications of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
- Udara (Diseases of abdomen/ enlargement of abdomen)
- Prameha (Urinary disorders)
- Dhatu Kshaya (Tissue wasting)
- Urdhvanga Roga (Disorders of Head and Brain)
- Guda Roga (Anorectal disease)
- Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano)
- Nadivrana (Fistula)
- Kushtha (Diseases of skin)
- Vrana (Ulcer)
- All kinds of shlipada (Filariasis)
- Gala-shosha (Dryness in throat)
- Kasa (Cough)
- Yakshma (Tuberculosis)
- Pinasa (Chronic rhinitis/sinusitis)
- Antra Vriddhi (Hernia)
- Atisar (Diarrhoea)
- Amavata (Rheumatism)
- Glossal palsy
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Disorders of Mouth Ear Nose and Eyes
- Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
- Sthaulya (Obesity)
Dosage of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
One to two tablets, once in the morning, before or after food, or as directed by an Ayurvedic doctor. It is traditionally administered along with buttermilk, meat, milk, curds, alcohol (Sura), and fruit juices.
Precautions Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
- Self-medication with this medicine may prove to be dangerous.
- Take this medicine in precise doses and for a limited period, as advised by the doctor.
- Over-dosage may cause sever poisonous effects.
- It is best avoided in pregnancy, lactation, and in children.
- Keep out of reach and sight of children.
- Store in a dry cool place.